Welcome to the new Island Computer Consulting Technology Blog.

10 yaer


Wow, 10 years running Island Computer Consulting! Time has flown by with great clients and many friends. We have been working hard creating a new website, Facebook page and this blog. The purpose of this blog is to publish timely articles about technology issues that impact your daily life.


Some of the topics that we will cover are regarding issues related to the following items:

  • Preventing Identity Theft
  • Improving network performance and security issues
  • Preventing dirty data by syncing it whenever possible
  • Enhancing the performance and security of your cell phone
  • Stopping the political Robo calls
  • And many other topics.

Sign-up for our Tech Alerts. You will receive urgent technology related issues via email (no spam, no marketing).

Please like us on Facebook.

If you have any special requests, please let us know. We are always looking for ways to improve our client’s lives through managing their technology.




Posted in Network Security, Phone, Uncategorized, Wifi.